A blooper refers to an embarrassing error. Now we all know, that in our daily lives, there is a good probability that you could get away with some mistakes, and it may be relatively easier to get back on track, in little or no time and effort. But, what if your mistake was laid bare for the World Wide Web? What’s more? You paid to put it up there. This is exactly what bad translations do. They cost you, both your money and your reputation.

Although unintentional, bad translations are usually the result of ignorance or no knowledge about the target language and its culture, lack of professional proofreading, perhaps casual attitude towards the idea of translation itself. There’s a funny saying (a bitter truth) that goes like this – “Translation is like toilet paper. No one thinks about it, until they need it.”Does that mean the value of toilet paper reduces? Ofcourse not!

Below are some examples of how bad translation can make you look comic, I’ll-informed and anything but reliable –

(Can we achieve it? YES, WE CAN.)
(But I came to the airport just for that!)
(Guess that makes it worth the $52 :))
(Not sure if that’s what I want for lunch. Or for anything!)
(When does one pay?)
(I would if I could. Really.)
(How unreasonable.)
(Pff…Ofcourse. Wait, what?)
(Intentional much?)
(Totally nourishing.)

The internet is a witness to many such bloopers in translation and it is not an exciting or rewarding place to be at. Fill out the Inquiry Form to get in touch with us, if you want your content translated by native professionals, and also because, we won’t let your content be a meme on some other blog post. Sounds like a fair deal, doesn’t it?

Get Fool-proof marketing translations with our Marketing Translation Services. Send us your requirements at request@cmmlanguages.com
