As globalization gets better, there are tonnes of businesses entering international markets. Products and services of all kinds are available all around the world. This is a win-win for the business owners and their customers. It sounds great until we see the other side of the story. Are there translation localization companies in Bengaluru?

As the world has become one big market with very less language barriers, the competition has tremendously increased for businesses. Customers have many options before making their buying decision and it is natural if they choose a local and more trusted brand over and over again.

What is the role of translation in globalization?

In today’s scenario, no country is too far and no customer is a foreigner. Once your business enters the international markets, you may have a need to translate information for your vast array of customers/business partners/marketers. In simple words, translation will help you convey your company’s message in any language and create a client base. Whereas, localization customises your message for a specific audience by incorporating language dialects, nuances, and local culture.

Translation & Localization are same – NO!

Differences between the two can have varied impacts on your customers and explained below –

Nature – Translation is suitable for a wide audience. It can convey necessary messages to the target audience speaking 1 common language.Nature – Localization is suitable for a specific group of audience. It can convey necessary & customised messages in the language dialect spoken by the target audience.
Impact – Information is well conveyed but might be understood differently by the target audience.Impact – Information is well conveyed and well understood by the target audience just the way you want them to.
Constraint – A large number of potential customers may be missed out because they might be speaking dialects of the language. Constraint – The process of localization is lengthy and expensive but it has full guarantee of reaching each one of your potential customers.
Brand trust – Translated words help in conveying informative words but sometimes conveying emotions takes a backseat. Brand trust – Imagine a locale talking to you in your mother tongue and their tone is just like yours. You will connect to them in a matter of seconds and they will gradually gain your trust.
Goodwill – Big brands have failed in building themselves a goodwill in a new market. A brand must seem like it really cares for its customers and their needs. Goodwill – Localization will certainly help your brand reach straight to your customer’s house and eventually their hearts. This can be done by making the marketing communication and buying procedures friendly.
Translator – Linguists who translate documents can hail from any country. They need to be professional translators with relevant qualification. Translator – Linguists who localize documents need to be professional translators with relevant qualification. Essentially, they are natives and the language comes naturally to them.

Is translation a wrong option always?

No, translation, in fact, is a good approach in some cases. Translation can provide a very effective mean to target a wide customer base with one language offering. For instance, if you are expanding your business and introducing products/services ideal for French customers, wherever they are located, you can have your information translated in proper European French. This will allow you to reach a wide range of French-speaking customers that will most likely relate to your message and understand what you have to say. But if you wish to reach French Canadians, then your information needs to be translated in Canadian French, considering the extreme differences in European French, Canadian French and North American French.

Also, if there is a budget constraint, translation is a good option to penetrate a new market.

Do you know what your company needs at this point?

Probably you do know if your company needs translation or localization. To be 100% sure before making a decision, learn more about both the processes and the benefits your company will have. Talk to our language experts to choose what is best for your company. We provide 30 mins free consultation and quick quotes for your requirement. We are one of the few translation localization companies in bengaluru. 

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