These 7 changes in your approach will yield you great business overseas. Do not avoid thinking about the pitfalls your business might face in a new market. These points will help you take precautions for the expected/unexpected pitfalls your way. Expanding your business overseas is a challenge but the scope of success is tremendous and hence, below are 7 guided steps for international business.
Below are 4 pointers you must read –
- Conduct a foreign market research. Market research is an essential step in any business. And this goes without saying if you wish to expand your business. Consider conducting a market research for the new country and it’s neighbours.
- Do not ‘assume’ that your product will work well in the new market as it worked in the existing market. We’re sure your products and services are loved in the country they’re already marketed in. It is not true that the same product and the same sales strategy will work everywhere. A new country is a whole new market. Remember that people, their language and culture, everything is different there.
- Give importance to consumer education. Invest time and money while educating the target audience about your products and services. Remember, it is a new market and your products or services are just getting introduced to them. There’s a huge possibility of them being skeptical and rigid to try out a new foreign product.
- Live there temporarily. Initially, the entrepreneur might himself have to live in the new country in order to set up the business there. In case of well-established companies, their marketing personnel can live there and crack deals with the importers. It is essential to work there to get a hang of the functionality of the language and culture.
Next 3 are crucial – guided steps for international business –
- Prepare an International business plan. Include new marketing strategy & localize the communication. This is one of the most important guided steps for international business.
- Travel with an interpreter. In the initial stages, when you’re not aware of the language and culture. The best option is to travel with an interpreter. A professional interpreter can help you smoothen the communication by ensuring that right message is conveyed to your customer. We can arrange for an interpreter anywhere in India. Write to us at request@cmmlanguages.com
- Localization. Localization is the process of adapting the textual and visual content from one language to another. Communication cannot go wrong while marketing a brand (products/services). Hence, it is pivotal to localize the content on the product packaging. Also on official website, outdoor and digital marketing content. To avail our localization services, write to us at request@cmmlanguages.com